Mumbai: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan on Tuesday had nothing but all good words of praises for his 'friend and madly talented' Madhuri Dixit for her newly released debut song Candle.
Sharing the original music video of the song on Twitter, the Don actor explained how Dixit has influenced him throughout his career.
"All my career my friend colleague and absolutely madly talented @MadhuriDixitis the one person who I have always looked upto and have learnt my craft from," the 54-year-old actor tweeted.
Reacting to the song, Khan further wrote: "What a lovely voice & how beautiful is she!!! Awesome."
Reciprocating to the praises, the timeless beauty of Bollywood tweeted: "Thank you so much for your kind words my friend @iamsrk, it means a lot to me. I am so happy you liked the song."
On May 23, the 53-year-old star premiered her song of 'positivity' during a Facebook Live.