Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kiara Advani has shared an emotional post on her social media handle on the completion of one month of her film 'Kabir Singh' at theatres across India. The actress thanked director Sandeep Reddy Wanga and her co-star Shahid Kapoor.
The 26-year-old actress recently took to her Instagram handle to share the heartfelt post dedicated to the entire cast and crew of the film. She wrote: "Every time I have tried to put down my feelings on Kabir Singh I don’t know where to begin, this attempt will not do justice either, to how truly grateful I am, to my team, and the audience for making our film what it has become today."
Talking about her character Preeti, Kiara said: "A year ago I stepped into the shoes of Preeti, shy, demure, and basically the complete opposite of me. But I also saw her strength, conviction, her love and her passion and couldn’t help but feel for the love story that you all rooted for with me..."
The actress considered herself lucky to work with her co-star Shahid Kapoor on this special project.
She said: "Kabir, aka @shahidkapoor my costar, confidant and friend through this journey who completed and made this story so real and believable."
Praising the director Sandeep Reddy Wanga, Kiara wrote: "His conviction to stay true to his story and make it so unapologetically, his passion for films, his craziness and honesty gave us the opportunity to play characters that were flawed, imperfect and so real that you can’t stop yourself from feeling for them."