Hyderabad (Telangana): Aspiring actor Khushi Kapoor turned 21 today. The younger daughter of filmmaker Boney Kapoor and late superstar Sridevi celebrated her birthday at uncle Anil Kapoor's residence in Mumbai a day in advance as the entire family came together for Diwali festivities.
On Friday, Khushi's elder sister Janhvi Kapoor took to social media and dropped a set of two pictures with the birthday girl and their father. Janhvi simply captioned the picture with a red heart emoji.
Meanwhile, Khushi's half-sister Anshula Kapoor too took to social media to share a glimpse of her birthday celebrations. Sharing a picture of Khushi blowing the candles off her birthday cake, Anshula wrote, "Happy 21 loveeer @khushio5k." Anshula also called Khushi "Best girl" and concluded her post with a pink heart.