Mumbai: Hema Malini took to Twitter to issue a clarification after Kent RO advertisement featuring her was slammed for being classist. On Wednesday, Kent RO, one of India''s largest water purifier brands also apologised and withdrew an advertisement for an 'Atta & Bread Maker' after it received massive backlash for being "classist" and "misogynist".
Hema, who is a longtime brand ambassador for the company wrote in a Twitter clarification, “Views expressed by the recent advertisement of Kent Atta by @KentROSystems do not resonate with my values and are inappropriate. The chairman has already tendered a public apology for the mistake. I hereby wish to put on record that I respect and stand by all sections of society.”
The Noida-based firm''s advertisement for its new product, which featured yesteryear superstar and BJP MP Hema and her daughter Esha Deol, cautioned against a housemaid kneading flour to make dough, claiming that "her hands might be infected", and instead suggested using the company''s product for the same purpose.
The advertisement didn''t go down well with many on the social media who accused the brand of being "classist". Some slammed Kent suggesting that the brand should first "purify their own thoughts" while others called the ad blatant dehumanisation of the domestic help.
While a few called it "revolting", some even advocated boycotting Kent products.
Some even called out actress-turned-politician Hema Malini, who is the brand ambassador for Kent. "Such pathetic classist ad by Kent. Bunch of hateful morons promoted by Hema Malini," one Twitterati said.
Another said the ad discriminated on gender. "Kent is infected by some impure hearts and unhealthy minds," another response read.