Mumbai: Mukesh Khanna, who ruled the small screen in his prime, is elated with the return of mythology sagas Ramayan and Mahabharat during the lockdown. The veteran actor cited Sonakshi Sinha's example and said the historic comeback of over three-decade-old shows will make many acquainted with mythology.
Amid the ongoing 21-day nationwide lockdown, Ramanand Sagar's mythological serial Ramayan and BR Chopra's Mahabharat returned on Doordarshan on public demand.
Mukesh, who essayed the role of Bhisma Pitamah in Mahabharat, in his interview with a leading daily took a potshot at Sonakshi and said that re-telecast will be useful for people who haven’t watched them before.
“I think the reruns will be useful to many who haven’t watched the show earlier. It will also help people like Sonakshi Sinha who have no knowledge about our mythological sagas. People like her don’t know who did lord Hunuman get Sanjivani for. There is a video doing the rounds where few boys are asked whose Mama (uncle) was Kans and they got scared to answer. Some said Duryodhan, others said something else, so they are not aware of the mythology,” Mukesh told the leading daily.