Mumbai: Sooryavanshi director Rohit Shetty recently drew heavy criticism for saying that, considering the upcoming film is packed with high-voltage action featuring machomen Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, and Ranveer Singh, no one would even look at his film's heroine Katrina Kaif.
While Shetty's comment sparked a storm on social media and #ShameOnYouRohitShetty started trending on Twitter, Katrina on Monday came out to sportingly defend her director on Instagram. She claims Shetty has been misunderstood.
"Dear Friends and Well-wishers... I normally do not comment on media reports or articles... But in this case, I feel a comment made by Rohit Sir has been taken out of context and is been entirely misunderstood. I am referring to the comment as reported that Rohit Shetty said, 'No one would look at me in the frame, as there are three boys there and a blast happening, this is not what was said'."