Mumbai: Actor Kartik Aaryan, who shot to fame with the famous monologue in his 2011 debut film Pyaar Ka Punchnama, has come up with a new monologue in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. In a video the actor has shared with fans on social media, he uses the monologue to advise people to stay at home in order to limit the spread of the disease.
"Problem? Problem ye hai ki hum sab genius hain. Aur kya problem hai. Problem ye hai ki hume kisi ki sunni hi nahi hai. Subah shaam Netflix and chill ke sapne dekhne hai, lekin jab do hafte ghar baithne ko mil raha hai, toh hume kaam pe jaana hai," Kartik is seen saying in the video.
Sharing his COVID-19 monologue on Instagram, Kartik wrote: "#CoronaStopKaroNa...My Appeal in my Style. Social Distancing is the only solution, yet."