Mumbai: Kartik Aaryan has been receiving a lot of backlash from the netizens on social media after sharing a video that featured him and his sister. The particular video apparently promoted domestic violence.
In the video, Kartik is seen eating a roti, which is made by his sister. He seems not to be impressed with his sister's culinary skills after having the first bite.
As he doesn't like the taste of it, he punishes her by throwing her out of the house.
The video did not go down well with a major section of the netizens. Some even called him out for being misogynist.
While singer Sona Mohapatra considered the video to be "misogynistic," filmmaker Onir slammed it for "promoting domestic violence."
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Sona wrote: "This guy has become a youth idol by consistently ing in misogynistic films &is happy 2extend it to his disgusting #lockdown video. DV in India is skyrocketing many women stuck 24/7 with their abusers. Call this out #India."
"Idiotic .. someone should tell him since he is too dumb to understand that a lot of responsible Film industry members have put out a message against domestic violence and this is NOT FUNNY . But then who are we taking to," wrote Onir.
However, the actor has also posted another video with his sister where she is seen slapping his brother.