Mumbai: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan says playing two distinct characters from different eras in Imtiaz Ali's upcoming film Love Aaj Kal was a challenge he enjoyed.
The film shows love stories of two different eras, the first is set in the late 1980s–early nineties and unfolds between Raghu and Leena. The other love story, set in present time, happens between Veer and Zoe. While Kartik plays Raghu and Veer, Sara Ali Khan has been cast as Zoe and Arushi Sharma plays Leena.
"The two roles are distinct, in the way they look, react and relate to people around them. Veer is a modern guy, somewhat geeky and socially awkward. He is sure of what he wants and that sets him apart from the people around him. On the other hand, Raghu represents any teenage boy who has grown up in the nineties. Raghu and Veer are also different when they are in love," said Kartik.