Mumbai: Kartik Aaryan and Ananya Pandey who are currently shooting for their upcoming film Pati Patni Aur Woh wrapped up the Lucknow schedule of the film. Kartik shared a glimpse of the wrap-up bash on Sunday.
Taking to his Instagram, the Pyar Ka Punchnama shared a video from the crazy wrap-up bash featuring him along with the cast and crew of the film. However, Bhumi Pedneker is missing from the video.
"#ChintuTyagi went Rogue 🔥..its a wrap for #PatiPatniAurWoh Lucknow Schedule @ananyapanday @mudassar_as_is @junochopra and Patni Ji missing as always @bhumipednekar 😂 Thank you #Lucknow ❤️❤️," the actor captioned the video.
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In the video, Kartik is seen having fun rubbing cake all over filmmaker Mudassar Aziz, producer Juno Chopra and others' face.