Mumbai (Maharashtra): As her second son Jeh turned one today, actor Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and posted a sweet birthday wish for the little one. She shared a candid picture of her firstborn Taimur with Jeh. In the image, the brothers can be seen crawling on the floor.
Giving the picture a hilarious touch, Kareena captioned it as, "Bhaiii, wait for me I am One today..let's explore the world together ...of course with Amma following us everywhere...Happy birthday My Jeh baba...My life #Mera Beta#My Tiger#To Eternity and beyond."
As soon as Kareena shared the image, fans and members from the film industry chimed into the comment section to wish Jeh a happy birthday. "Jeh Baba," actor Amrita Arora commented, adding a string of red heart emojis to it. "Happy birthday Jeh Jaan. Love you always. And Tim too," Saif Ali Khan's sister Saba wrote.