Mumbai: Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is awaiting the release of her upcoming flick Angrezi Medium, said that she signed the project only because she wanted to work with Irrfan Khan.
"I am very excited for the film because I am working with Irrfan in the film. I got the opportunity to work with a brilliant actor like Irrfan and I think, that, for me is the greatest honour," said Kareena Kapoor at a special screening of the upcoming web series Mentalhood that stars her elder sister Karisma Kapoor.
Angrezi Medium marks Irrfan's comeback in the industry after he was diagnosed with cancer. He is currently undergoing treatment for the ailment. A few days back, Irrfan shared a heartwarming message for fans saying he would not be able to promote his upcoming film owing to his health condition.
In other news, Kareena recently made her Instagram debut and within a day got over one million followers on the social networking site. She posted a black and white picture with son Taimur Ali Khan.