Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday confirmed that no fresh summons have been sent to any other film personality in the case. There were speculations in the media that Johar might be summoned by the NCB on the matter.
NCB confirmed that the agency is not probing the alleged 'drug party' video posted by Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar, adding that their focus is on the drug-related investigation surrounding the death of Sushant Singh Rajput.
During a press address, asked if NCB plans to summon Johar over the alleged 'drug party' video that has surfaced, Mutha Ashok Jain, NCB South-Western Region Deputy Director-General told the media: "No, there is no connection of that said video with this case."
There were speculations in the media that Johar might be summoned by the NCB on the matter.
However, Jain confirmed that no fresh summons have been sent to any other film personality in the case.
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