Mumbai: Karan Johar on Monday took to social media to announce a new film Siachen Warrior which is produced by the filmmaker couple Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari and Nitesh Tiwari. The movie is a story of the brave warriors of the Indian army.
The ace filmmaker took to his Twitter handle to reveal the news about the upcoming movie.
"Glad to announce my dear friends #MahaveerJain, @NiteshTiwari22 & @AshiwnyIyer next monumental film #SiachenWarriors, an incredible story of the brave warriors of our Indian army. Directed by Sanjay Shekhar Shetty & Written by Piyush Gupta & Gautam ved," Karan tweeted.
Sanjay Shekhar Shetty at the helm, the forthcoming movie will be written by Piyush Gupta and Gautam Ved. The cast of the upcoming movie is yet to be announced.
Earlier today, filmmaker Ashwiny also took to her Twitter handle and wrote: "Blessed that we are able to tell stories of unsung heroes of our beloved India. Proud to be a part of Sanjay Shetty's dream film #SiachenWarriors [working title] @earthskynotes @sundialent @OpticusInc #SiachenGlacier #Siachen."