Mumbai: Karan Johar who recently saw upcoming Telugu release 'Dear Comrade' met the lead actor Vijay Devarkonda on Tuesday. The producer announced a Hindi remake of the film on his social media handles.
Taking to his Instagram, Karan shared a string of pictures from his meeting with Vijay and the makers. He also announced that Dharma Productions will be making a Hindi remake of 'Dear Comrade' while sharing his excitement.
KJo who felt privileged to be the first to see 'Dear Comrade' heaped praises on the actors while also acknowledging the powerful storyline of the film.
"Had the pleasure to be the first to see #dearcomrade ! What a powerful and intense love story !!! Top notch performances by @thedeverakonda and @rashmika_mandanna !! The film is exceptionally moving and leaves you with such an important and relevant message! Strongly directed by debut director @bharatkamma and wonderfully produced by @mythriofficial !! Exceptional music by #justinprabhakaran Glad to ANNOUNCE that @dharmamovies will be producing the Hindi remake of #dearcomrade !! Super excited about this!!!," he captioned the post.