Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut was called out for being 'fake' by trolls after she wore a saree worth Rs 600. Recently, the actor reacted to the controversy giving out a message to the present generation.
Kangana urged the fashion industry and people to refrain from shaming celebrities for repeating outfits and recycling fabrics.
In a recent media interaction, Kangana said, "I'm happy, people have noticed it. I tell the fashion industry we, as a generation, are over consuming resources. We got to be considerate. Also, the shaming (of people) for repeating outfits and recycling fabrics should be stopped."
READ | 'Fake hone ki bhi limit hoti hai', trolls on Kangana's sari worth Rs 600
The Manikarnika actor also said that people should appreciate the spirit of dressing differently.
"They got to appreciate that spirit. Also, we spent so much on organic stuffs when they come from fancy stores. But we don't really see the people -- farmers and handicraftsmen. They are so poor that they can't afford pesticides and synthetic fabrics and are organic, by default. We don't realise that. We got to appreciate that," she added.