Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut is perplexed about losing followers on Twitter. Taking to the microblogging site, the Judgementall Hai Kya actor claimed that she has been losing 40k-50k followers every day.
Replying to a fan's tweet, Kangana wrote: "I agree I notice pattern every day 40-50 thousand followers drop, I am very new to this place but how does this work? Why are they doing this any idea? @TwitterIndia @jack @TwitterSupport."
Coming up with an elaborate explanation in the matter, she tweeted: "Hmm I see Nationalists have to struggle every where, racket is so strong, I noticed because last night we were to very close to a million, anyway, sincere apologies to all those who are getting unfollows automatically, so unfair but aren't we used to this now?"
Following the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, Kangana emphasised more on bringing up several controversial topics including nepotism, movie mafia and drugs nexus among others to the public domain, which has also received a massive support on social media.