Mumbai:Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap said he shared a healthy friendship with actor Kangana Ranaut but things have gone beyond repair between them. The director also said that he even tried to sort things out but could not do much as the Queen actor is on a different plane altogether.
Anurag in a recent interview has said that Kangana was hurt by Taapsee Pannu's answer during a fun question-answer round while sporting their 2018 film Manmarziyaan. When he got to know, the filmmaker said, he tried to ease things out between Taapsee and Kangana as both were his good friends but the latter was not willing to reconcile.
"Taapsee is also a friend and I said that two friends are there and why are they saying things to each other... I called her (Kangana) and asked her and she put the whole conversation on social media and I was just there like a friend trying to sort things out," he said.
Anurag further added that he was willing to extend an apology to Kangana for the interview but she is not reachable anymore.
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