Bengaluru: After innocuous posts on social media by Karnataka IPS officer D. Roopa Moudgil, supporting the government's decision to impose a ban on firecrackers during Diwali, led to a war of words with a right-wing Twitter handle, Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has stepped in support of the handle.
In her series of tweets in support of the Twitter handle 'True Indology' (now suspended by Twitter), Ranut said that police officers like her were shame in the name of the force. "She should be suspended from the force," her tweet read.
Coming down heavily on Roopa's comments, Ranaut wrote in her Twitter handle @KanganaTeam that the "government appoints people like Roopa to protect the fundamental rights of commoners, but look at her obnoxious ignorance like sore loser, she became so vengeful that if she couldn't win the argument with facts, she simply got @TIinExile (True Indolgy) eliminated. Shame on you @D_Roopa_IPS".
The Bollywood actor's series of tweets against Roopa comes in the backdrop of a spat between Roopa and a popular Twitter handle, True Indology, over the origin of firecrackers and whether they were used in ancient India. This began after several state governments, including Karnataka, imposed a ban on bursting crackers during Diwali.
In a tweet on November 14, Roopa had shared her Facebook post stating that bursting firecrackers was not part of the Hindu tradition as there was no mention of it in the religious scriptures or the epics.
This statement was contested by True Indology, which in turn "accepted the challenge" and cited texts to prove the point but failed to convince the IPS officer.
As the arguments between the two went on, Roopa first blocked True Indology, then Twitter suspended the handle. The reason for the account's suspension was not stated.
"Side effects of reservations, when unworthy and undeserving gets the power they don't heal they only hurt, I don't know anything about her personal life but I guarantee that her frustration is stemming out of her incompetence," Ranaut tweeted, adding that Roopa should be suspended, as such cops were a shame in the name of the police force.
"We can't let her get her evil ways #BringBackTrueIndology," Ranaut appealed in her tweet as she launched the hashtag campaign #BringBackTrueIndology and #ShameOnYouIPSRoopa.