Mumbai (Maharashtra): Action spy thriller Dhaakad, starring Kangana Ranaut, is set to be theatrically released on May 27. The film also stars Arjun Rampal, Divya Dutt and Saswata Chatterjee in pivotal roles. Produced by Deepak Mukut and Sohel Maklai and co-produced by Hunar Mukut, Dhaakad will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. Ranaut said the film will be the biggest "women action entertainer" mounted in the country.
"A story as paramount as this should reach maximum eyeballs and I am happy to announce that Dhaakad would be released in multiple languages. I can't wait for the audience to meet Agent Agni. She will blow their minds with her fury and power," the actor said in a statement on Monday.