Hyderabad: Bollywood star Kangana Ranaut is receiving positive reviews for his portrayal of late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa in the biographic drama Thalaivii which was released on September 10. The film does not reveal much of Jayalalithaa as a politician who served as the chief minister of Tamil Nadu for more than fourteen years between 1991 and 2016. As Thalaivii captures the late politician's journey as a woman who breaks into the men's world, both in politics and cinema, the second half of her real life is not much explored in the film and that seems to have encouraged makers for the sequel of the film.
According to several reports, Thalaivii s soon going to have a sequel. A webloid quoted source close to Kangana saying, "Film's sequel is definitely on cards. There is so much more to reveal about Jayalalithaa's life. People are excited about the film and definitely, it will give the makers a reason to make a sequel."