Mumbai (Maharashtra):Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, on Tuesday, paid a visit to the cell where Hindu Mahasabha leader Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was imprisoned at Cellular Jail in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Kangana took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of pictures from there along with a long note in the post's caption. She wrote, "Today on arriving in Andaman island I visited Veer Savarkar's Cell at Kala Pani, Cellular Jail, Port Blair...I was shaken to the core ... when inhumanity was at its peak even humanity rose to its peak in the form of Savarkar ji and looked it in the eye, faced every cruelty with resistance and determination..."
The Thalaivi star further paid respect and gratitude to 'Veer Savarkar ji' and said, "How scared they must have been of him not only they kept him in Kala Paani in those days it must be impossible to escape from this tiny island in the middle of sea yet they put chains on him built a thick-walled jail and locked him up in a tiny hole, imagine the fear as if he can fly on thin air across the never-ending sea, what cowards... !!"
Watch:Have always done 'Dhaakad' things in my life, says Kangana Ranaut