Mumbai: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, who is locked in a bitter battle with the ruling Shiv Sena in Maharashtra, on Sunday met state Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari here and told him about the "injustice" done to her.
"I had a meeting with His excellency the Governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari. I told him about the injustice meted out to me and what happened was improper. He is the guardian to all of us here," said Kangana.
The actor hopes that justice will be served to her.
Talking to reporters after the meeting at the Raj Bhavan, the Panga actor said: "I told him about the unjust treatment I've received. I hope justice will be given to me so that the faith of all citizens including young girls, is restored in the system. I am fortunate that the Governor listened to me like his own daughter."
The meeting with the Governor comes days after the Shiv Sena-ruled Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) demolished alleged illegal alterations at Kangana's bungalow at Pali Hill in suburban Bandra.