Mumbai: Hours after Kangana Ranaut launched a fresh assault on Maharashtra, senior Shiv Sena leader Anil Parab has hit back at the actor on Monday, calling her a person with 'dual personality'.
"She clearly has a dual personality and needs a doctor. Kangana is an actor and speaks according to the script given to her. Many such Kanganas have come and gone," said Parab, refusing to identify who prepared the 'script' for her.
On the much-publicised visit to Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Parab said: "Why should the Governor meet only Kangana? He should also meet the poor people whose illegal slums or roadside constructions are being demolished regularly."
He wondered why the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party's "stomach is churning" when the illegal construction of Kangana was razed.
Parab said that the party would not tolerate if she crosses limits and makes any wild statements about Mumbai or Maharashtra.