Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel on Wednesday shared sneak peek of the Judgementall Hai Kya actor from the sets of her upcoming biographical drama Thalaivi, revealing that the actor has gained 20 kgs weight, ahead of the shooting of two movies titled Tejas and Dhaakad.
Rangoli took to Twitter to share a couple of pictures where her sister is seen sporting a blue saree followed by a picture of the former Tamil Nadu minister Jayalalithaa.
In the same post, Chandel shared two photos of the 32-year-old actor where she is seen modelling for a photoshoot holding a glass in her hand flaunting the lean figure.
"Only last schedule to go for #Thalaivi Kangana has gained 20 kgs weight, After 2 months she starts #Tejas & #Dhaakad.... will she be able to shed that weight, let's see," Chandel captioned the post.