Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut, who will next be seen playing former Tamil Nadu chief minister, the late J. Jayalalithaa, in the forthcoming multilingual biopic "Thalaivi", admits finding it difficult to learn the Tamil language. She added that she is learning the language as per the demand of film's script.
"I am finding it difficult to learn Tamil. This film will be released in Hindi and Tamil, so we will do something about it. Obviously, I have to mug up those dialogues because Tamil is not an easy language. Earlier, I was trying to learn the complete Tamil language because I have learned English as well, but now I am learning Tamil as per the demand of film's script," said Kangana, while interacting with the media at the launch Beauty Studio salon on Wednesday in Mumbai.
Kangana Ranaut started shooting for Thalaivi on November 10, and Kangana's team posted a picture of the film's clapboard. It was captioned: "Lights Camera Action!! Commencing on a beautiful journey of #Thalaivi #KanganaRanaut @vishinduri @BrindaPrasad1 #Dirvijay @neeta_lulla @gvprakash @KarmaMediaEnt"
Apart from learning Tamil, Kangana enrolled herself in Bharatnatyam classes for her role. She was also reported to have spent hours on prosthetic makeup sessions.
Asked what kind of make-up she prefers to apply, she said, "I like to apply light and very minimal make-up. I also like to keep my hair natural. I like to use such things that will not change my personality much. Most of the times, actors try to stay away from make-up when they are in their own space because you want to feel relaxed and you try to keep yourself in a comfortable situation as much as possible."