Mumbai: South superstar Kamal Haasan and his entire family are under self-isolation in different cities and houses. His wife Sarika and elder daughter Shruti are currently residing in separate apartments in Mumbai while the actor-politician himself and younger daughter Akshara are in Chennai in different houses.
"I am used to being by myself. The difficult part is not having the option to go out and the looming fear of what all of this means for us. People have started taking it seriously in the last few days. Thankfully, by the time I returned, the shoots were also getting cancelled. My entire family has self-isolated. Mum (actor Sarika) is in Mumbai as well but in another apartment, Dad (Kamal Haasan) and Akshara (sister) are in Chennai but in separate houses. All of us had different travelling schedules and it didn't make sense for us to isolate together. That's the decision I feel people should make," Shruti told Mumbai Mirror.
Shruti has returned from London just 10 days ago and is under home quarantine since then.