Mumbai: Joining hands with director Kabir Khan, veteran actor Kamal Haasan on Thursday said that he would be presenting the sports-drama 83 in Tamil.
Haasan took to Twitter to announce that the film will be produced by his production company Raaj Kamal Films International.
"Reliving the epic moment of winning the 83 World Cup which every Indian cherishes even today. We at @RKFI are delighted to present the film 83 in Tamil Nadu #Thisis83," reads Haasan's tweet.
Telugu star Akkineni Nagarjuna has also announced that his production house Annapurna Studios will be presenting the Telugu version of the film.
"India won its first world cup in 83 &we still get goosebumps when we think of that moment. Very happy to present the Telugu version of the film 83.#ThisIs83," reads Nagarjuna's tweet.