Mumbai (Maharashtra):After Juhi Chawla's petition against the rollout of 5G in India got dismissed by the Delhi High Court, the actor on Wednesday uploaded a video on social media to explain why she filed the particular plea. "A lot of noise has been created. In fact, I could not hear myself. A very important message was lost amid such noise and that was, we are not against 5G. We are welcoming of it. We just want authorities to certify that 5G is safe. We just want the government to release research in the public domain so that our fear goes away," she said in an Instagram video.
Read:Delhi HC dismisses Juhi Chawla's lawsuit against 5G tech; Imposes Rs 20 lakh fine
Juhi can be seen raising concern about children and pregnant women in the video. "We want to know whether 5G is safe for children or not... we want to know that it is safe for our pregnant women, our flora and fauna, for unborn children, for people who are old, that is all we are asking," Juhi concluded.