Mumbai: Jimmy Sheirgill, who worked with Irrfan Khan in Haasil and Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns, penned an emotional note on Wednesday in the late actor's memory, revealing how much he regrets not meeting the latter in the last few years.
"It's going to take time..a long long time get over this loss. Just like it's taking time to come out of this shock. My biggest regret is I couldn't even get to see you once in the last few years,though I tried to. We worked on five films together. My love and respect for you was immense and you knew that.You knew that I was a fan of yours since the first one HAASIL. Its very hard to come to terms with the fact that your gone.May the almighty give your family all the strength at this moment..You have inspired and will continue to inspire many like me...RIP Irfan Bhai," wrote Jimmy.