Mumbai: The Bachchan family is being trolled by netizens after Samajwadi Party member and actor Jaya Bachchan alleged that a continuous attempt to defame the film industry is being made, taking an indirect jibe at actor-politician Ravi Kishan who has claimed that drug addiction happens in the film industry.
Since Tuesday morning, the keyword "Bachchans" started trending on Twitter along with #JayaBachchan, Jaya Ji, gutter and #istandwithravikishan as netizens slammed the veteran actor along with the rest of her family, for remaining silent on major issues like Palghar Sadhus lynching and Sushant Singh Rajput's death among others. They also interpreted Jaya Bachchan's Rajya Sabha speech as an attempt to protect drug addicts of the film industry.
"#JayaBachchan kept silence: Palghar lynching, SSR murder, Disha murder, Drug Rackets & Bollywood Mafia, Demolition of @Kangana office, Attack on ex-navy officer. But now attacks @ravikishann of exposing pudiyawood...These Bachchans are such a disgrace..#GutterBollywood," tweeted a user.
"We as a nation wanted to listen Bachchans' stand on SSR brutal murder & terrors of Drug-Mafia & Movie-Mafiya in Bollywood but they remained tongue-tied & today they're criticising #SSRWarriors to support Drug-Mafias. #ShameOnHypocrites #ShameOnBolBachchan #ShameOnBachchans," tweeted another user.