Hyderabad (Telangana): Veteran Bollywood actor Jaya Bachchan has tested COVID positive on January 31. Since then, the actor is in home isolation at her Mumbai residence. Jaya turned out COVID positive during the monthly checkup that the entire family and the staff go through. Earlier, Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan's daughter Shweta Bachchan also tested positive for coronavirus.
According to reports, Jaya Bachchan was shooting Karan Johar's film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani in Delhi with Shabana Azmi who recently shared that she tested positive for COVID-19. Following Shabana and Jaya's diagnosis, the makers of Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani have halted the film's shooting which also stars Dharmendra in a pivotal role.