Mumbai: Jawaani Jaaneman trailer is a roller-coaster ride packed with Saif Ali Khan's swag. The film which marks debut of Alaya F. is directed by Nitin Kakkar.
With Jawaani Jaaneman, Saif seems to have returned home. After a long time, the 49-year-old actor is returning to rom-com, a genre he does wonders with.
The two minutes and thirty-one seconder hints that the film revolves around Saif who plays the role of a Casanova. The party for Saif comes to end when one fine day his grown up daughter enters in his life. When free bird Saif suddenly gets sense of responsibility, he first ties to flee from it and entry of Tabu further complicates the situation.
Jawaani Jaaneman is apparently Saif's canvas where it would be interesting to see how Tabu and Alaya's roles are etched out in the film penned by Hussain Dalal and Abbas Dalal.