Mumbai (Maharashtra): Veteran lyricist Javed Akhtar has slammed a section of social media users who questioned the honour of his great-great-grandfather Fazl-e-Haq Khairabadi. On Monday, Akhtar reacted to the ongoing Bulli Bai controversy, which erupted when photos of hundreds of Muslim women were collected from their social media accounts and were uploaded on an app and it would then encourage people to participate in their auction.
In his tweet, Akhtar stated that he's appalled with everyone's silence, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his own.
"There is an online auction of hundred women There are so-called Dharm Sansads, advising the army the police and the people to go for the genocide of almost 200 MLN Indians. I am appalled with everyone's silence including my own and particularly of The PM. Is this Sub ka saath?" he wrote.
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