The rumour mills are abuzz with Janhvi and Rajkumar starring together in Dinesh Vijan's next. The filmmaker who hit the bull's eye with 'Stree' is seemingly gearing up to roll out yet another horror comedy. To play the male lead, Vijan apparently wanted none other than Rao who amazingly played the role of a small town tailor in 'Stree'.
The film which is reportedly titled 'Rooh-Afza' has found its leading lady in one-film-old Janhvi. The makers zeroed down upon the Kapoor lass after watching her performance in 'Dhadak'. Besides talent, the story also demands a fresh pairing, said a source close to the project.
The makers are yet to come out with an official announcement, but that doesn't stop filmaholics who have already started hooting for the Janhvi and Rajkumar's upcoming collaboration.