Mumbai: Janhvi Kapoor will have a working her birthday on Saturday, with no time to chill. While she has been busy promoting her upcoming film Roohi lately, the actress will be shooting the whole day in Patiala for her next film Good Luck Jerry on her birthday, March 6.
"I'll be shooting on my birthday this year for my film 'Good Luck Jerry' in Patiala. I am really excited. Honestly, I always wanted to be shooting on my birthday because mamma always said that how you spend your birthday sets the tone for the rest of your year. I can't think of a better way to spend the rest of my year than on a film set!" said late Sridevi's daughter.
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Good Luck Jerry is produced by Anand L. Rai, written by Pankaj Matta and directed by Sidharth Sengupta, and the film also features Deepak Dobriyal, Meeta Vashishth, Neeraj Sood and Sushant Singh.