Mumbai: The Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Friday has dismissed a plea against filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra's latest directorial Shikara: The Untold Story Of Kashmiri.
The court's decision has been taken on the assurance from the Centre and state government that there will be no law and order situation arising out of the release.
On hearing the court's judgement, Chopra expressed his happiness and stated: "I am glad that the Honourable Court has dismissed the petition. This is a film about love over hate. I hope the message of 'todho nahi jodo' spreads across the country through Shikara.
Shikara, which is set against the backdrop of the Kashmiri Pandit exodus from the Kashmir Valley in late 1989 and early 1990, in the wake of violent Islamist insurgency, has been released nationwide.
The public interest litigation (PIL) was filed last week in the Jammu and Kashmir High Court against the film, demanding a stay on release and the deleting of certain scenes.