Mumbai: Actor Jaideep Alahwat on Sunday said the social media wave against Bollywood is merely a smokescreen and one should not engage in fighting it as it's pointless.
The industry has been under a cloud since actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death in June, with accusations regarding Bollywood's ill-treatment of outsiders and its apparent rampant drug culture as well as social media conspiracy theories regarding the industry's functioning.
At a virtual panel discussion at the ongoing India Film Project, the Paatal Lok star said most of the accounts engaging in the vilification of the industry are fake.
"What's happening on social media, it's all smoke, not the sky. There's no logic in what they say. News channels tell them 'this is nepotism, they are druggies' and they just follow.
"More than half of them are fake. You can't fight with them. You should rather do your work and concentrate on that," he added.
Article 15 actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, who was also part of the panel discussion, said there is no doubt that favouritism exists in the industry but he didn't understand the sudden euphoria around it.
"The noise that people are making, it's actually nothing. Everyone currently is just angry. We all needed a punching bag," he added.
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