Chennai (Tamil Nadu): A slapping scene featuring actor Prakash Raj in just-released Tamil film Jai Bhim has triggered a massive debate on Twitter. The scene in which Prakash Raj is shown slapping a Hindi-speaking pawn broker, asking him to speak in Tamil instead, has not gone down well with a section of the audience, who took to Twitter to express their displeasure.
One user tweeted, "I am really heartbroken after watching #JaiBhim, nothing against actor or anyone but felt really bad, there is a scene in the film where a person speaks Hindi and Prakash Raj slaps him and tells him to speak in Tamil. Honestly, this kind of scene was not needed. Hope they cut it."
"We wait for Tamil films. We support them, we request the makers to release it Pan India, in return we don't want anything but just love. If not love then at least not humiliation," he added.
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