Mumbai: Actor Jacqueline Fernandez is all set to feature in a music video along with Bigg Boss runner up Asim Riaz and the actor says she's excited as the track is going to be a "visual treat."
The T-Series music video will see a popular traditional folk song undergo a contemporary twist, with music director Tanishk Bagchi writing and composing it.
Jacqueline, who had previously worked with the Bhushan Kumar-led company for the single GF BF featuring Sooraj Pancholi, said the song is "relevant, modern and will be extremely fun."
"I loved just the idea of it, too. The tale we're telling through this music video is magical. The concept of song and the music video were too enticing, for me to pass it up... The team and I have been prepping and rehearsing to get every nuance right," she said in a statement.
"I am super excited to be working with Asim Riaz for the first time. The music video is going to be a visual treat for everyone. We're looking forward to everyone seeing it. I really loved working on this, because it was a passion project for me," she added.