New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut has lashed out with strong words at what she refers to as the Nepo Mafia of Bollywood, saying it has dismantled the ambitions of upcoming actors and struggling outsiders.
Kangana, who has consistently voiced her views on the untimely demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has openly spoken about favouritism in the Hindi film industry towards the star kids, by the "gangs" of Bollywood, which she has often tagged as "movie mafia" and "Suicide Gang" of the industry.
Opening up on the subject, Kangana told IANS: "Well, for now it has taken a life, many careers… it has just dismantled the very ambition of upcoming actors and struggling outsiders. It has caused a lot of damage. How to dismantle it? We need to talk about it. In many ways, it will prepare outsiders."
She added: "Eventually when a single human being -- talented, extraordinary, genius -- is suppressed to death and killed systematically for petty egos, for petty gains, the offenders don't have a happily-ever-after. It's not a world they are rewarded for," she said.
Kangana feels a "collective consciousness" has woken up and people are now questioning the star system that victimises outsiders.
"Like I had said, we don't want them to be hanged but they can also not sail through it," she said of the ‘movie mafia'.
The actor recalled that she was shocked the most when she read an obituary for Sushant by filmmaker Karan Johar, whom she called "intolerant" towards outsiders and has referred to a "flagbearer of nepotism" who only backed industry kids.
"I mean is he (Karan) planning to make another victim like that? I was shocked. So, they are preparing to continue with this ganging up on individuals, and he is pretty sure that he will face more people like that and at that time he may just reach out to that person," she said.
Kangana stressed that the situation needs to end.
"I mean, this is so shameless. This needs to stop. They have gotten away from a murder unaffected. So, this is what it will take to dismantle their egos, their control and the fact that they think that money can buy everything, and they are drunk with the power they acquired from their fathers. This will take collective voices of people to dismantle that," she said.
Kangana recently spoke about the lobby culture prevalent in the Hindi film industry, after which various old videos of the actor talking about star children in the industry started doing the rounds on social media.
Actor Taapsee Pannu shared one such throwback video of Kangana, where she was seen defending star kids and their privilege on Twitter.
Kangana claims she predicted all of it: "So, people are digging up my old interviews. I had already predicted that this is what they will do. Even last time when I had raised my concern about suppression of outsiders in 2016, the whole system attacked me."
"But you notice here also that they are not letting A-listers get affected. The A-listers that the Nepo Mafia promotes are tucked away safely. They are only sending these people who have only and only to lose -- these outsiders who are struggling, who are star-struck by the glamour and the power of the movie mafia."
Kangana agrees that everyone wants to be "accepted".