Mumbai: Actor Ishaan Khatter took to Instagram on Monday and shared the first look snap of Mira Nair's anticipated A Suitable Boy.
In the picture, Ishaan is seen with Tabu. Fans can expect a drastic makeover for Ishaan in this film -- what with the actor sporting a moustache for his role.
In the film, Ishaan plays Maan Kapoor, the rebellious son of politician Mahesh Kapoor (played by Ram Kapoor), who develops an attraction to the beautiful courtesan Saaeda Bai (essayed by Tabu), reports
The first-ever photo of A Suitable Boy sets the tone of what we can expect in the film. Tabu and Ishaan are seen reclining on a swing that hangs in the backdrop of a traditional courtyard. While Tabu dons a yellow salwar suit, Ishaan wears a blue kurta with a simple pyjama.