New Delhi: Months after the demise of Bollywood star Irrfan Khan, his son Babil Khan on Thursday said that actor Sanjay Dutt was one of the first few people to extend his help to his family when the actor passed away. He also urged people to let Dutt fight the battle of his health alone.
In an early morning Instagram post, he further revealed that Dutt was also among the first few to help in "every way" when Khan was diagnosed with cancer in 2018.
Babil posted a picture of his late father with his Knock-Out co-star and penned a short note.
"Here's a secret; Sanju Bhai was one of the first people to offer help in all and every way when my father was diagnosed after Baba passed, Sanju bhai was again one of the very first few people that held a pillar for support," he wrote in the post.
The post dedicated to the friendship of Sanjay Dutt and Irrfan Khan follows after several speculations doing rounds around the health condition of the Sadak actor after he announced a break from work citing health problems.
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