Hyderabad: Prabhas' upcoming film Adipurush will feature Saif Ali Khan in the role of Lankesh. While the Baahubali fame actor will be seen playing Lord Ram, Saif will essay the iconic antagonist in the film which is based on the epic Ramayan. Sharing details about Saif's character Lankesh, Manoj Muntashir who has penned the dialogues and lyrics for Adipursuh has said that the film will feature Khan as a flamboyant king.
According to reports, Saif will be seen as a towering personality and to project that larger-than-life persona on-screen, the actor's height will be enhanced to eight or nine feet, using special effects. Saif's original height is 5 ft 5 inches. The 50-year-old actor will also sport a thick mustache and long hair in the film. To look the part, Saif is working on his physique to attain a muscular build
Prabhas and Saif starrer Adipursuh is one of the hotly anticipated films not only because of the star cast and lavish scale of the project but for a statement from Saif which had created quite a stir in December last year. While Khan spoke about the role, he was brutally trolled and netizens demanded his removal from the film. Taking Saif's side, Adipurush's writer Manoj has recently told a webloid that the actor was misunderstood for remarks about humanising Lankesh.