Mumbai: In Bollywood, where many actors gather dust in just a few years of screen time, fun-loving Zohra Sehgal led a wonderful life and fulfilled her dream as both an actor and a dancer. Reminiscing her one special day, let’s get a brief of Bollywood's favourite dadi's journey.
Sahibzadi Zohra Begum Mumtaz-Ullah Khan was born to a Sunni Muslim Pathan family in Uttar Pradesh on 27th April 1912. Zohra was the third child among the seven siblings. Zohra had lost vision of her left eye when she was just one-year-old due to glaucoma which later was soon treated.
Her father Mumtaz Ulla Khan and Natika Ulla Khan were residents of Rampur in Uttar Pradesh.
Zohra was already an accomplished dancer-choreographer when she made her debut in KA Abbas's Dharti Ke Lal in 1946. Besides, she also featured in numerous super hit films including Neecha Nagar, Afsar (1946), Bhaji on the Beach (1992), The Mystic Masseur (2001), Bend It Like Beckham (2002), Dil Se.. (1998), Saaya (2003), Saawariya and Cheeni Kum (2007).
However, the world remembers her as the doyenne of Indian theatre and the Bollywood diva older than Bollywood itself. Because, the first Indian film Raja Harishchandra released in 1913, while Zohra was born in 1912.
Bolstering her rebellious attitude since childhood, Zohra was more of a tomboy and was fond of climbing trees and playing games. Then came a turning point in her life when she saw Uday Shankar (Indian dancer and choreographer) performing in Dehradun. She was highly impressed by his moves and acts.
Zohra started her career as a dancer in Uday's troupe. She danced her way across the world as one of his principal dancers for eight years before becoming a teacher at his dance institute in Almora in 1940. It is here that she met her husband Kameshwar Sehgal.
She joined the Prithvi Theatre in 1945, touring with them for the next 14 years. Apart from Prithvi Theater, Zohra was also an active member of IPTA.