Mumbai: Actor-folk singer Ila Arun, who has seen many ups and downs in her journey as an artist since 1979, said that the live entertainment business and folk artists will be badly affected post COVID-19, as social distancing is becoming a part of our lifestyle.
The actor has therefore urged corporate companies to come out in support of artists.
"I have been performing live on stage as a folk artist as well as a theatre actor for ages. It is true that live performing art has faced several threats in social and cultural changes, but we have survived. I still have other mediums, but there are folk artists who are only earning from live performance. In the future, when social gatherings will not be as easy to organise as it used to be, corporate companies should come forward and support live artists. We cannot put everything on the government," Ila told IANS.
"Since this is a very unique situation, people will be scared to gather as a crowd as we know that the virus can kill us. Under this situation, all live artists need more support" said Ila, who recently appeared in Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer Ghoomketu.