Mumbai: Veteran actor Ila Arun, who plays a pivotal role in the Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer Ghoomketu, said that though she has been acting for the last four decades, but she was initially sceptical about acting with the actor.
In the film, Nawazuddin plays the central role of a struggling actor, who lands in Mumbai from Bihar to become an actor.
"I am not one of those actors who believe that acting for a longer time and having experience makes you superior. The style of acting is evolving, performance is evolving and, as an actor, I have to constantly update myself to stay relevant. Nawaz is such a fine actor and I am so impressed by him. In fact, initially, I was sceptical to act with him," Ila told IANS.
She added: "He is young, his mind is alert and he adds certain nuance in every scene that takes the character to the next level. I, as a senior actor, had to stay on my toes. I had to stay alert to match up to his performance level."
Directed by Pushpendra Nath Misra, Ghoomketu also features Ragini Khanna, Anurag Kashyap, and Swanand Kirkire.
"Yes it is true that I have been performing as an actor, as a singer on stage, in TV shows and in films, but look at all the mediums. All has changed. Nawaz, Raghu (Raghuvir Yadav) and other actors have been excellent! There is a subtlety in Nawaz's performance. He is so on point! I bless him. He is an actor with all emotions on point," explained the actor, who plays Santo Bua in the film.