Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday took Twitter by surprise when she compared herself with Hollywood legend Meryl Streep. The actor claims of receiving positive response to her self-praise tweets and said those who disagree have failed to engage her in a logical argument.
On February 9, Kangana stated that she is "open for debate if anyone can show me more range and brilliance of craft than me by any other actress on this planet". She made her assertion sharing several images from her upcoming films, Thalaivi and Dhaakad. The photographs show Kangana's physical transformation, when she gained weight for her role in Thalaivi and shed the extra kilos for the action film Dhaakad.
"Massive transformation alert, The kind of range I display as a performer no other actress on this globe has that right now, I have raw talent like Meryl Streep for layered character depictions but I can also do skilled action and glamour like Gal Gadot #Thalaivi #Dhaakad," she wrote.
"I am open for debate if anyone can show me more range and brilliance of craft than me by any other actress on this planet I promise to give up my arrogance, until then I can surely afford the luxury of pride #Thalaivi #Dhaakad," she added.