Kangana was interacting with the media on her 32nd birthday on Saturday when she announced that she was all set to step into the shoes of the late Jayalalithaa, who was fondly referred to as 'Puratchi Thalaivi', which means "revolutionary leader".
Since people down South do not watch Hindi films, Kangana feels there's a disconnect with that part of the country.
Sharing her feelings of being a part of 'Jaya', Kangana said, "I always wanted to work in regional films because when we go to Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh, we realise that people over there only watch films made by their local film industry. So there is a disconnect with that part of the country. I was waiting for a good opportunity to work over there and this film just came my way.
"I was working on my own biopic, but her (Jayalalithaa) story is very similar to my story. In fact, it is a bigger success story than mine. When I heard the narration of this film, I found many similarities between both the stories. So when I had the option to do a film based on her story or my story, I decided on the former."