Mumbai:Actor Huma Qureshi on Tuesday issued a statement in support of filmmaker Anurag Kashyap and demanded people to protect the sanctity of the #MeToo movement.
The 34-year-old actor, who made her Bollywood debut with Kashyap's Gangs of Wasseypur shared a detailed statement on Twitter. It read, "Anurag and I last worked together in 2012-13 and he is a dear friend and an extremely talented director. In my personal experience and to my knowledge he has neither misbehaved with me or anyone else. However, anyone who claims to be abused must report it to the authorities, the police and the judiciary."
The statement further read, "I chose not to comment till now because I don't believe in social media fights and media trials. I feel really angry at being dragged into this mess. I feel angry not just for myself but also every woman whose years of hard work and struggle get reduced to such baseless conjecture and allegations in their workplace. Please let's refrain from this narrative."
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